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Thursday, January 28, 2010, 9:05 AM
Time I enjoyed spending with my family XD
Well, time really flies... I am already at my last( AND GRADED) post. After much inspiration and browsing through my holiday photos, I finally decided on writing on my adrenaline-packed trip to USA ^^. Well, elaborating the whole three weeks will take ages, so, let's just go through the main points! wait... Even if I only go through the main points, I will still have too much to write. So, I will be writing in diary form instead. Uhh... That will still be a bit too much, so I will just jump days altogether and go stratight to the highlights ^^ Here I go... 1 December 2009( Departure and arrival) I was filled with anticipation and excitement as we hurriedly but efficently packed our luggage and headed off to Changi International Airport Terminal 3 to catch the flight to Newark, NJ. At exactly 22 00 hours, we depearted on SQ 22 and were en route to America. Goodbye Singapore! And Happy AIDS day!!! ![]() 4 December 2009( Nigiera falls) ![]() December 2009( Washington baby!!!) 10 December 2009( In New York...) "Welcome to New York" says thee Feel free to eat and sightsee But please do support the Yankees! Timothy Phuah Victoria School 2f' 14 December 2009( RSAF training grounds) My dad's plan was to keep traveling south till Orlando, but because Disneyland was the climax of our trip, we decided to further south to Pensacola instead. Sitting directly above the gulf of mexico, its just a 10km long, 2 km wide stretch of road. However, it is also the training ground of the Singapore Air Force and also the home of the aerial stunt group " the Blue Angels" ! My father had a sense of nostalgia when we had reached Pensacola as it was the very place he had trained with his Air Force Buddies about 20 years ago. He then started spinning tales about his exploits to me, how they had rented a extremely cheap car which guzzled fuel like water, and how he won the HotShot 84' " Best Pilot Award". The whole package piqued my interest and I felt that being a pilot was not all slacking in the Boeing 747 jumbo jet. Maybe I should consider being a pilot too... Anyways, we headed first to the aeroplane exibhition centre where we could learn the history of Aviatronics. I found out that John McCain was a pilot! He was a hot-headed youth whose P51- Mustang got shot down during operation" rolling thunder" in the vietnam war! Wow, even the smallest of cities had the biggest of stories. 20-25 December 2009( Disneyland) It was a boring 8 hour ride from vice city, thus, I managed to kill time by engaging in my hobby( refer to post below) Disneyland was a haven for fantasy fanatics like me! One kilometre from the main entrance was a gigantic sign where the words " Welcome to Disneyland" were inscribed. I shouted exuberantly and started heading for the best rides first. Fortunately, they have a smart system called a fastpass. It was a card where they tell you when could you come back to ride the rides again. When you come back at the designated time, you will be directed to the fastpass line, which goes faster that the normal line. The people who take the fastpass goes approximately 800% faster that the normal line! Thus, it saves you the time of having to wait a 2 hour queue when you could just take a fastpass and enjoy the rest of the facilities! ![]() 26 December 2009( Homecoming) I'm coming, I'm coming I'm coming back... The days flew by and already it was nearing the end of my holidays. It was time to prepare for the new year. We touched down at Changi Airport at 2100 hrs and collect our luggage. The holiday left a deep impression on us and it was indeed a time that I spent wit hmy family and I enjoyed it. However, Nothing beats being home. Home Sweet Home... CREDITS I have to thank a few people and things ^^. 1: My blog 2: My computer 3: My camera 4: Yikming's blog 5: Yikming's post 6: Yik Ming( here! happy now? jkjk ^^) Saturday, January 23, 2010, 6:19 AM
Something that I like spending time doing alone
My final blogpost be 4 the graded one... Here I go ^^ Everyone should have something to do, be it hobby or work. As the brain is a constantly working machine, you, thus should managed to kill time by doing random stuff. Games like soccer and internet games work just fine when you are with friends. Even though the web is a safe haven for anti- social people who just want to socialise or play games without revealing their true identities, websites like FACEBOOK are deemed by people as DANGEROUS( as said by my sec 1 biology teacher) FACEBOOK AND FRIENDSTER ARE DANGEROUS! Thats is as good as sayying that the worldwide web is a danger to your well- being. So then, what can I do to past time, you ask. Well, I have a very special and efficent way to past time: SLEEPING! ^^ There you have it, SLEEPING is the best way to past time, and it is also a most enjoyable thing that I love to do alone. Sleeping has many good points 1: it kills time. 2: It recharges you and helps you kill time so that you can busy yourself with a fresh mind and a fresh body 3: It fills up you day, and kills your time 4: people with less sleep tend to become paranoid and depressed due to the time that they could not kill, and therefore do nothing.5: I have a reliable pile of evidence that says " sleep is good"( refer to link in a later post) Sleeping is also an enjoyable way to pass time alone as during sleep, you will have your own fantasy world or should it say " lala land" . It is a magical realm where your imagination is at its fullest. There are two good points to mastering the art of dream. 1: your brain and your body will be better rested and 2: If you try hard enough, you can have a lucid dream. A lucid dream is when you have total control of your other world. You can think about anything you want, or even study a full ten hours, revising all your work subconciously in your head while you are resting. Thus, you can score better in your exams! I have killed two birds with one stone. Sleep, is good, and you should try it too! Tuesday, January 19, 2010, 4:19 AM
A problem you encountered and how you solved it
ok, now I am just being extra. Third post in 5 hours! How much more enthusiastic can you be??? The question was a problem you encountered and how you solved it. I have a problem: I don't know what to write for this post! I know how to solve it: write 250 words minimum! So, I will be talking about myself, my likes and other random stuff. Hi, my name is Timothy, I am currently 14 and studying in Victioria School in Marine Parade, I like games like what boys usually like: DotA, CSS, CoD 6 etc., even though I am pretty a newbie, I still believe I can improve to the calibre and the standard of my class( there are very professional players in my class in many games)thus, with reular practice and a trigger-happy finger, I believe that anything is possible. I like Colourful stuff, I like pie and I LOVE DOMOKUN!!! Now, more about my likes, I like Domokun as it is sooooo cute! It was first introduced to me by Nikki, Lousia and Edward. Or more appropiately, Louisa introduced it to Edward who introduced it to Nikki and me( indirectly) once seen, I fell in love with it. A big thank you to Edward and NIkki and Louisa!!^^ ok, now I have 175 words,make that 180. I only have a bit more to go... ![]() ok... I will reach 250 when I say bye bye so... bye bye ( 250++ words ^^) 4:18 AM
Something unusual that happened that day
ok lols second post in four hrs this one is about "something unusual that happened that day" here it goes sry, no foul or slangs >.< After reading yik ming's post, I was too thinking about my gum scar. This is my story... ![]() However, all went wrong when my friend and me marked out a racecourse and tried to see who was the faster athlete. We were supoposed to go across the swimming pool, jump over the fence seperating the lap pool and the play pool, slide backwards down the slide and do a curl- splash into the water. When his little brother initiated the race, we shot off like haysacks( pretty slow^^) and started swimming as fast as we could across the pool. I was leading, until my leg got snagged while trying to jump the border fence and did a faceplant in the pool My friend overtook me, thus I was scared as I wanted to win and flew off the slide( I fell of the slide) and broke my PERMENANT TEETH!!!!! ![]() One of them went up and got embedded into the gums while the other was just ripped off like the skin of your palm when you touch a moving car Ouch... But anyways, as my bloof filled the pool, I started thinking of the red sea. I know that that was uber random, but I just could not help it! My mum, my friend and his mum sent me to Singapore General Hospital, where I had to undergo operation I HAD 27 STITCHES AND 15 INJECTIONS!!!!!!!! It was "a bit" painful... Now, I have lost my two front teeth. they make hollow sounds. I wish my teeth can go back to normal like the one in the picture. But that's just a dream... 12:35 AM
English project 1- something that took place in school
Sup... This is my first post of the day, and it it about something that happened in school... This MAY OR MAY NOT be real, so dont ask... Here I go... p.s. I could not use any slang as my English teacher is going to grade and read this. Sry^^ Characters: Me Tom, Dick, Harry, Mr Beng, Lenny the prefect (not their real names) This happened when our school was struck by H1N1 aka. Swine flu. Our class got owned by the flu and about 16 people got sent home. Thus, we had to be moved to a special classroom where the last swine flu – infected class got hit. This is what happened in the morning of the first day in our new class Upon reaching the class, Tom, Dick and, sat down with their friends while Harry sat isolated in a corner as he was very unpopular with the class and had an especially long feud with Dick. Thus, Dick started cutting up erasers to throw at Harry. He had also secretly placed a stash of the cut up erasers on an unsuspecting and innocent Tom’s table so that he could push the blame if he got caught. Tom, unknowing and innocent, did not mind that Dick placed on his table and continued talking away happily. Soon, Dick went too far in the eraser throwing and Harry started getting angrier and angrier. Seeing this, Dick decided to dump his whole ammunition feed on him. This made Harry go berserk and he whirled around. Dick pretended to be innocent and nonchalantly walked to the toilet. Meanwhile, Harry espied the stash of erasers on Tom’s table and deduced that he was the culprit that was pelting him with erasers the whole time. Nobody anticipated his next move; Harry rushed an unsuspecting Tom, threw his pencil box out of the window, and started reining blows on him! Tom was dumbstruck and tried to defend himself. Fortunately, the brawl did not last long as Lenny, the prefect, stepped in the nick of time to stop the fight while I went to fetch Mr Beng, our form teacher. Mr Beng, entered the fray and put order to it. He severely reprimanded Dick for shifting the blame and Harry for hitting without investigating further. He passed the verdict that Dick would have a 12 hour detention while Harry only had 6. However, Harry had to apologise to Tom, which he did with much difficulty. Tom, being magnanimous, took the shabby apology and forgave Harry. What a “nice” and “exciting” way to start the new week of school!
Friday, January 15, 2010, 6:46 AM
Gd luck!!!
Pple, the starting time 4 the projects is near... so, be4 we all start cheonging on our compos, just to tell u guys GD LUCK!!! Eat plenty of food and try not 2 get into trouble these few days... Oh, yah, link me ^^ Timothy Thursday, January 14, 2010, 6:18 AM
Dear diary Day two of my trip through the woods and I am still stuck with the young man who calls himself Tommy. After I throw a few stones at him, he wakes up and I tell him to go for a dingo's breakfast, that is, a piss and a look around. After inspecting the truck, we head off to Archer River roadhouse. Luckily, the roads are still permenantly blighted, meaning that the dry has not ended yet. ![]() I called home and got assaulted by a female crocodile!My wife did me in for spending too much $$ on booze. I mean, sheesh, what can a man do to drink without geting scolding !! ![]() We once again continued on our journey to the top, the young bloke said that it was a "painful experience". Suddenly, the rear air breaks lock up, but I managed to fix it up reasonably. But the pain did not stop there. We ran into a section of rocks too fast and the truck went out of control! I sworeXD, and struggled for grip. I get my grip, but lost alot of truck parts. Well, you know the rest. Now I am ONCE AGAIN stuck in the wilderness with a guy and his camera. I swear at the roads and go to sleep. Good night! |
![]() profile I bite! Kills adore domokun worship domokun ask domokun 4 his hp no. Time Calendar Music pple hu came Killed Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Memories January 2010 credits Please do not remove credits, thankyousomuchie Designer:NICOLE Codes by: ★CRUSHthespeaker |